40 Days Blog - Day 9
Introduction to Mark Chapters 4-6
Following Jesus is both very straightforward and remarkable challenging! Just when we feel we know Him, our ignorance is exposed.
In these chapters, we continue with the disciples in following Jesus. We have the advantage of knowing how the story ends, but we need to remember at this point, the disciples didn’t. Before we judge them (or others!) too harshly for their ignorance, inconsistency and frailty, truth be told - they are not so different from us!
We’ve already learned that most commentators think Mark used the first-hand accounts of Peter to write his Gospel. He was also writing for the persecuted church in Rome where any failure to ‘follow Jesus well’ would have severe implications for all the believers. In the same way, our discipleship affects everyone with whom we are connected in our community today.
We begin with the incredible calming of the storm at the end of Chapter 4. From there, and throughout Chapters 5 and 6, Mark gradually reveals more and more about who Jesus is. This is in stark contrast to the disciples’ lack of understanding. May these notes help us to follow Jesus with greater clarity.
Mark 4:35-41 - Be Still
Wouldn’t you just love to get to know someone who could still the storms in our lives? Jesus can!
So far in Mark’s Gospel, we’ve read of the incredible things Jesus did: dealing with demon possession (
1:21-28); healing sick people (
2:1-12) and proving He was Lord over religious rules and regulations (
2:23-28). Today’s passage is a climatic (in both senses!) hinge point in Mark. Jesus led His friends into the middle of the Sea of Galilee, knowing He was leading them into a storm (
How do we respond to a Jesus who leads us into storms? The answer to that question is the focus of today: ‘
Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ (
Jesus’ disciples, who had seen Him do the unbelievably miraculous, still had not grasped the truth that the Kingdom of God was breaking into the world. If they had, they wouldn’t have asked one another, ‘
Who is this?’ (
v41). Nothing was going to stop the Kingdom of God: not Jesus sleeping (
v38) and not even a storm so fierce that hardened fishermen were terrified (
Perhaps some of us are facing a storm right now: not a ‘Met Office named storm’, but one which is turning life upside down for us: serious illness; financial concerns; family worries; or the ache of bereavement. Jesus knows; Jesus cares; Jesus will guide us through it, just as He did with His disciples on the Sea of Galilee.
But like He said to the wind and waves, He requires us first to ‘Be Still’. And then, even when the odds seem against us, He calls us to trust Him.
A Prayer
Father, forgive us for the times in life when we are so fearful, we forget Jesus is right here beside us in every circumstance life can throw at us. Forgive us for all the times we seem unable to be still and seek His presence. Forgive us for our lack of trust.
Whatever we are facing today, be it a storm in our own life, or a storm in the life of someone we love; help them and us to first ‘Be still’, and then simply to trust Jesus. We ask Your Holy Spirit to fill us with the assurance of His presence, right now, as we pray.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Listen to today's reading and blog post below...